On 2010-03-04, at 11:13 AM, BobV wrote:
>  These factory methods need to live in the Java AST so that we can
> use the type tightener to optimize the (usual-case) polymorphic
> dispatch.  Adding a JHasNameRef node to the AST would allow what
> you're describing to be built, but I think that would overly
> complicate the initial implementation.
>  Generally, the result of a GWT.create() is a service implementation
> assigned to a static field, so the cost of the switch is only paid
> once.  In the case where there's only one answer for a rebound type
> across the collapsed permutations, such as an async RPC
> implementation, the GWT.create() is replaced with a plain
> instantiation expression.  Do you have a use case where you're
> repeatedly calling GWT.create() for instances of a rebound type?

We use repeated calls to GWT.create() for dependency injection and to generate 
code for our internal widget templating framework.  Both of them also use 
nested GWT.create() calls under the hood in generated code for instantiating 
associated resources bundles. The gwt-rpc-plus framework also uses a call to 
GWT.create() to initialize the appropriate transports for every request. I can 
rework them to cache the results of GWT.create(), although I don't believe many 
of them would ever end up with more than one soft permutation always. The code 
was written under the assumption that the compiler would elide the call to 
GWT.create() in most cases and replace instance method calls with static ones 
(which still holds in most cases of course). 

It probably won't have a great effect on our overall performance even if some 
of the classes ended up with runtime switches in the output code, since all of 
those calls aren't in performance-critical code.

Type tightening could still be done ahead of time on the return value of the 
JSNI method, couldn't it? The results of type tightening would always be the 
tightest common superclass of all of the potential results. AFAICT, this 
tightened return value should be statically computable from the list of 
possible rebinds from the soft permutation since each of the types potentially 
returned is guaranteed to be in the final output code. 



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