On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Matt Mastracci <matt...@mastracci.com>wrote:

> We use repeated calls to GWT.create() for dependency injection and to
> generate code for our internal widget templating framework.  Both of them
> also use nested GWT.create() calls under the hood in generated code for
> instantiating associated resources bundles. The gwt-rpc-plus framework also
> uses a call to GWT.create() to initialize the appropriate transports for
> every request. I can rework them to cache the results of GWT.create(),
> although I don't believe many of them would ever end up with more than one
> soft permutation always. The code was written under the assumption that the
> compiler would elide the call to GWT.create() in most cases and replace
> instance method calls with static ones (which still holds in most cases of
> course).
> It probably won't have a great effect on our overall performance even if
> some of the classes ended up with runtime switches in the output code, since
> all of those calls aren't in performance-critical code.

Soft permutations already assumes you are willing to trade off some
performance for reducing the number of permutations, so I don't think this
should be that big a deal.  Larger performance issues, which we can't do
anything about, will come from the loss of de-virtualizing instance method
invocations and the subsequent loss of inlining.

> Type tightening could still be done ahead of time on the return value of
> the JSNI method, couldn't it? The results of type tightening would always be
> the tightest common superclass of all of the potential results. AFAICT, this
> tightened return value should be statically computable from the list of
> possible rebinds from the soft permutation since each of the types
> potentially returned is guaranteed to be in the final output code.

AFAIK, type tightening is never done in JSNI code.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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