Here's what John and I worked out over IM to get the existing runtime
locales support migrated to soft permutations:

  - The existing locale property continues to work as it currently does.
  - The runtime.locales configuration property is eliminated in favor
of a runtimeLocale deferred-binding property.
  - The runtimeLocale property is defined and collapsed by a
ModuleDefMutator which also defines additional rebind rules based on
the defined locale values.
    - One or more ModuleDefMutators are installed by a <module-mutator
class="Foo" /> which are called before ModuleDef.normalize()
  - The SelectionProperty interface gains a getCollapsedValues() which
gives the values that are equivalent to the value returned by
    - This allows the runtime performance of the Generators to be optimized.
  - The locale generators are simplified, removing the runtime locale
factory and instead relying on the soft rebind rules created by the

This will increase the size of the permutation-selection matrix, but
this could be mitigated by using property-value extensions.  In the
same way that "es_AR extends es", we might have "chrome extends
safari", "iphone extends safari".  The value extension work is
separate and orthogonal, but plays nicely with the two techniques in


Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


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