
The DOCTYPE of the script HTML won't affect the behavior of the outer page.
You should only have to put a simple <!DOCTYPE html> in the outer page --
that's it. If you're still having troubles with LayoutPanel after that, ping


Le 13 mai 2010 15:04, Erin <> a écrit :

> I am trying to use the TabLayoutPanel, but having issues within IE.
> Using Debug bar, I can see that the frame created from the generated
> files has document mode of IE5 Quirks. There is no DocType set within
> the generated cache.html. I have tried just adding the DocType
> definition to the page that my jJavascript reference to the module is
> on, but though the frame containing the main page is IE7Standards, the
> frame containing the module is still Quirks. Is there a setting that
> can be made in the java code or the module definition(gwt.xml) that
> can set the DocType on the frames created to hold the gwt module
> generated code.
> I would appreciate any assistance.
>                         Thanks,
>                          Erin
> --


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