50%? That would be astonishing, but I must admit I'm skeptical :-)

Thomas, have you tried it on a bigger app? Something like Showcase or the
Expense Report app?

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Lex Spoon <sp...@google.com> wrote:

> It's a fun idea! Methods that are only there for their type signatures
> could have their bodies removed.
> Ideally, ControlFlowAnalyzer would be able to identify such methods, and
> Pruner would remove their bodies. With that arrangement, the CFA and the
> method abstracting would mutually benefit each other. It would also lead to
> better code splitting.
> ControlFlowAnalyzer already has a notion of "instantiable types". I believe
> it needs to be improved, though, to be effective at abstracting methods. To
> test that theory, set a break point in Pruner.execImpl right before it calls
> setInstantiableTypes. At that point, the question is whether the
> abstractable methods are marked as being called or not. I believe they will
> be marked as callable.
> To improve that, a new set could be added to hold the classes that are
> targets of "new". Then, when ControlFlowAnalyzer visits a virtual method
> call, it would have the information it needs to skip over the abstractable
> methods.
> I am still mulling over the general idea, but that's my initial reaction.
> If push comes to shove, we could certainly add another whole-tree walk like
> in this patch, and it would be an improvement. It would make a bigger
> improvement, though, if we can factor it into an existing optimization.
> Lex
>  --
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors


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