On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, probably... CodeFlowAnalyzer is a bit too complex for my very
> limited knowings of the compiler internals. I'll give it a try though
> (but I can't tell you when I'd find time to do it, it's almost all on
> my spare time)


Just to spell it out a little further, for anyone that finds time, the
changes would be like:

1. Add the new set targetsOfNew.

2. Whenever a "new" is visited, add the target class to targetsOfNew.

3. Add a method callable(JMethod) that checks if the method is callable on
any of targetsOfNew.

4. Update visit(JMethodCall, Context) and rescueMethodsIfInstantiable to use
that method.

5. In Pruner, any target of a JMethodCall that is not live gets turned into
an abstract method.

It's the same logic in Abstractizer except implemented in a different place.

Just so you know, my initial concern was about Protobuf. I'm porting
> proto2 to GWT (see http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-gwt/ ), and when
> you generate code in optimize_for=SPEED mode, methods of
> GeneratedMessage whose default implementation relies on the reflection
> API (getDescriptor and the like) are overridden, and actually never
> ever called. But in current GWT, the code won't be pruned, which also
> includes all Descriptor classes and methods, even if you don't use
> them. This could potentially represent a fairly big amount of unused/
> dead code in the output JS. Obviously, when targetting GWT you should
> rather use optimize_for=LITE_RUNTIME (which I intend to implement as
> JSO overlays in the next iteration), but given that my goal is to
> share code between client-side and server-side I'd like to also
> support the "non-lite" APIs.

Better protobuf support would certainly be nice!

I'll review the patch for if you don't have time to do the
ControlFlowAnalyzer version.



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