On Oct 1, 9:11 am, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:
> Is this in dev mode or prod mode?  Do the tests succeed if you run them
> individually?

This is in dev mode.  If I disable all of the tests and run them
individually they all pass.  I've never tried running tests in prod
mode but I think I know how and I can give that a try.  The next thing
to try as well would be to chain all the test methods together.  So
instead of having test01...testN, I can have the end of test00 start
test01 and the end of test01 start test02, etc.  Of course that's
problematic if a test fails, the next one won't run.  And if the
delayTestFinish isn't working, the whole thing might just stop before
it gets all the way through.  But something to try.


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