On Oct 1, 12:32 pm, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:
> It sounds like the problem really boils down to less-than-useful stack
> traces when a native exception is thrown in Dev mode.  Ironically, if you
> ran this in Prod mode, you'd probably get a better stack trace, because we
> emulate the stack over there.
> We could probably implement the same sort of stack trace emulation feature
> in Dev mode + some other stack cleanup to make the exception traceback much
> nicer.

Well, I'd say there are two problems (well three if you include the
fact that this exception wasn't being thrown on 2.0.4).  The first is
that the stack trace is not very friendly.  The second is this problem
of allowing outstanding commands to keep executing even after a test
has finished.  Fixing the original exception would make the second
problem go away but I would have been able to focus in on the first
exception more quickly if it hadn't been for the secondary exceptions
that occurred as a result of the first.

Definitely providing more information in the stack trace would be
great.  For example, with a debugger, I can see that the call that was
invoked (that threw the exception) is
That tells me a little more than I knew before although I don't know
yet if that's useful.  It's only telling me that something somewhere
inside dispatchEvent threw an exception and a
ReturnMessage.isException = true was returned.  It would be nice to
have a stack trace for the code that created this ReturnMessage in
response to an exception.

This may be a slight tangent, but I know that we often get these types
of exceptions in production (so not dev mode here) that are caught by
our uncaught exception handler and some of them don't even include a
line number or file name.  When your logs say an error occurred and
the entire message is literally "Unspecified error", there's just no
way to debug it.  I thought I had heard you guys had some way of
creating a stack trace of the native javascript exception and then
some means of de-obfuscating it.  Did I imagine that?


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