Hello everyone,

I'm trying to build the expense report app, and it looks like the
source has been refactored to remove the "app" part from the packages
for place, requestfactory, etc. Unfortunately, the expense report POM
hasn't been updated to grab GWT RC 1. The repository definition looks
like this:

            <name>Google Web Toolkit Repository</name>

While the "http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/2.1.0.RC1/gwt/maven/";
repository doesn't have a GWT release. Will you be putting the new
release in the 2.1.0.M3/gwt/maven repository or the
2.1.0.RC1/gwt/maven one? Because all the downloads of GWT RC 1 will
have a broken expense report....

In the mean time, the snapshot repository linked from the blog post
(https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/google-snapshots) seems
to contain the correct SNAPSHOT. I'll try to use that. Thank you.

Arthur Kalmenson


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