On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Ray Ryan <rj...@google.com> wrote:

> I don't think it's reasonable to ask Eric to tweak the auto formatter. We
> had that conversation already. He's just doing the same thing we have
> eclipse configured to do, right?
Well, my understanding of the changes made to the formatter settings were:

   - change the line width to 100
   - let lines break at method invocations

So, I am not sure why there are other changes which, IMHO, look really

I thought the point of doing a few small blocks of code first was
specifically to look for things like this that could be improved before we
run it on everything.

>  I can't look for real right now. Did you really find something
> aggregious?
Well, I think it is pretty egregious, but YMMV.  In particular:

   - the loss of the space in array initialization is a change for the worse
   that is one checkbox to fix
   - the assignment breaking is harder to fix, but I think the change is net
   for the worse because while the old settings allowed overly long lines, they
   seemed to occur only rarely in field initializers, and it is easy enough to
   work around that by initializing them in an initializer block instead of on
   the same line.  The current settings will screw up line breaks on
   assignments all over the place.
   - The indentation issue I am talking about is like this.  Previous
       "A really long message "
       + variable);
   while the new settings do this:
       "A really long message "
         + variable);
   however, I don't see where this is coming from.

Regarding detecting the builder pattern, it could detect multiple
invocations a.foo().bar().foo().baz() etc, but I agree the current formatter
doesn't have that capability and the new setting is better than the old

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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