
I run into a case when I want to have different classpath for running
gwtc (through com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler class) from classpath
containing source code that gwtc would compile.

Let me give you a specific scenario. My fork of gwt is using
scala-library.jar of some version A for implementing internals of
gwtc. Now application that gwtc should compile uses different version
B of scala-library.jar that is binary incompatible with A. Is it
possible to run gwtc so it uses A for it's own execution but uses B
for JDT execution, populating TypeOracle, etc.?

One thing that's worth mentioning: I'm talking here about compiled
classes in classpath because they are used to populate TypeOracle.
Source code (used for constructing GWT AST nodes) is in one copy
corresponding to version B.

Grzegorz Kossakowski


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