2011/5/26 Grzegorz Kossakowski <grzegorz.kossakow...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/5/26 Eric Ayers <zun...@google.com>:
>> Hi again,
>> Can you point out any of places where you saw this assumption?  The
>> last time I was mucking around with binary type names I was told not
>> to assume that $ could not appear in source names, so it might be
>> unintentional.
> Hi Eric,
> The problematic place for me is ReplaceBindings.java, lines 154-155:
>    // Rebinds are always on a source type name.
>    String reqType = type.getName().replace('$', '.');

Any comment on that one? Working-around it is possible but quite
involved. I'd love to know if I need some solid work-around or just
hack to keep me going because this will be removed upstream.

Grzegorz Kossakowski


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