On 2011/07/29 19:32:32, jlabanca wrote:

I was able to spend some time this weekend using the CellTableBuilder
api, and while this isn't the right patch to be going into detail about
some of the things I noticed about CellTableBuilder, I'm guessing that
some of the same issues will apply here.

Before I go into my nits, I just want to say how awesome I think that
CellTableBuilder is, and in my minimal freetime I'm spending it trying
to build a library to fill the general usecase of needing column
grouping, reordering etc. It is really awesome, and I'm super excited to
use it.

Now onto nits.

Pulling CellTableBuilder out into a separate file almost requires
extending DataGrid/CellTable and then overriding setCellTableBuilder
method to push columns, selection model etc etc etc back into
CellTableBuilder. I gave up in the end and just pushed a reference to
the DataGrid back to my impl of CellTableBuilder because a lot of the
methods that live in CellTable are far more applicable now inside the
CellTableBuilder. I'm not only concerned about selected rows inside
CellTable, I'm also to account for rendering that inside the

Some other methods that now make more sense to live inside the

get/set ColumnWidth
get/set RowStyles
get/set Resources
add/remove ColumnStyleName
add/remove Column

That is just a cursory glance. I'm sure there are more.

Perhaps AbstractCellTable can delegate a lot of its methods to a default
implementation of CellTableBuilder that contains all the methods to keep
backward compatibility, yet would still work its magics when being
called to render the table such that it would render in the old default
value. The tricky part would be dealing with the situation when columns
have been added to one CellTableBuilder and then pushing a new one into
the table. I suppose you could just copy all the columns from the first
builder onto the 2nd.

Sorry for hijacking this issue, but it seemed related enough to voice my



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