What are your thoughts on this getting into 2.5 vs. 2.5.1? I'd like to
get it into 2.5, but I'm a bit worried that we may not come to consensus
in time..

File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java (right):

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java:108: * include
{@code null} in {@code newValues}.
I don't think it's clear that either Renderers or KeyProviders must
support null values. If this is the case, let's update the doc in both
of those interfaces.

On 2011/12/21 14:10:55, stephenh wrote:
> I still believe we shouldn't call setValue here

Oh, right, agreed, sorry, I forgot about this. I'll change it.
Looks like this hasn't been fixed as yet?

If we're introducing an uninitialized state, I'd agree that it should
not be set to initialized until there's a call to setValue by the user
(not by the implementation code).

Also, i'd feel more comfortable if we used a special marker object
(EMPTY_OBJ = new Object()) instead of null; that way, we'd be less
likely to run into NPEs.

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java:138: * is not
already there.
Clarify that this applies for the null value as well.

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java:146: public
void setValue(T value, boolean fireEvents) {
I know we can't really change it now, but we should have made it an
error if setValue was called before setAcceptableValues was called -
i.e. this method should have thrown an exception.

It would have been much clearer to force the user to call
setAcceptableValues and update the list, as opposed to the auto-update
behavior that we have here..

user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ValueListBox.java:147: hasBeenSet
= true;
I wonder if we now need a clear() method - there's really no way to get
the ListBox back to it's initial state after setValue has been called..



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