private Map<String, List<String>> merge(Map<String, List<String>>
On 2012/09/06 19:21:57, skybrian wrote:

Hmm. Thanks, but I'm still rather lost and need some context, probably
because I
don't understand the RequestFactory wire protocol.

I'll try to shed some light (though ti has nothing to do with the wire
protocol actually).

To be specific, what is a "domain"?

Domain types are the kind of objects pointed to by
@ProxyFor/@ProxyForName annotations on proxies (which are here called
"client types")

What's an example key to this map?

In the MobileWebApp sample, that would be
"" (a domain type's
binary name).

What is the value?

The list of "client types" mapped to that "domain type", ordered from
the most to the least specific. That is, the proxies with a @ProxyFor or
@ProxyForName pointing to that domain type, and all their
In the MobileWebApp sample, for the Task domain type, the values would
be (in order) "" and
But you can map several proxies to the same domain type, in which case
you'd have more than that.

Why would we have multiple values for the same key?
What is this map for, anyway?

The map is used when constructing the response.

Let's say I have an Employee and Manager (extends Employee) domain
types, and an EmployeeProxy with @ProxyFor(Employee.class). Some method
(a service method, or a getter in another bean) has a return type of
Employee on the server-side (mapped as EntityProxy on the client-side).
The value could very-well be a Manager in practice.

This is where the map comes into play: which client type should be used?

RF will take the returned value's class (say, Manager) and looks for a
corresponding proxy type that extends EmployeeProxy (because the client
method's return type is EmployeeProxy).
First case: there's no entry with Manager as key, so RF looks at the
superclass. It finds an entry for Employee, with values EmployeeProxy
and EntityProxy. EmployeeProxy matches, so let's use that.
Second case: there's a ManagerProxy extends EmployeeProxy with
@ProxyFor(Manager.class), so RF will find an entry with values
ManagerProxy, EmployeeProxy and EntityProxy. ManagerProxy extends
EmployeeProxy (the type we look for), so let's use that: the client will
receive/reconstruct a ManagerProxy.
Third case: there's a ManagerProxy with no relationship to
EmployeeProxy, and with @ProxyFor(Manager.class). RF will find an entry
for Manager with values ManagerProxy and EntityProxy. Nothing matches
EmployeeProxy, so let's look at the superclass. There's an entry for
Employee with an exact match (EmployeeProxy).

There's also a fourth case: you have some "heavy-weight" domain object
with many properties, so you map it with 2 proxies: one for all the
properties, and a "lightweight" one with only a few properties (used for
lists of such proxies, e.g. in search results or in a value picker).
Let's say I have a Message domain type (with subject, date, recipient,
sender and body properties), and I map it with 2 proxies: MessageProxy
with all same properties and MessageProxyLite mapping only subject, date
and sender (with no inheritance relationship between both proxies).
The entry in the map for Message will have values MessageProxy,
MessageProxyLite and EntityProxy.

And of course, all those cases can be mixed and matched.


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