hope this is the right list for this discussion.

WebGL is today supported at least  by FF and, according to 
http://caniuse.com/webgl, also the next release of IE will support it so I 
wonder if
should GWT support WebGL (without Elemental).

As i see in previous mails in this group, and in other GWT related groups, 
the direction of the community is to move code 'out' of the core
but in my opinion the support of browser-related-features has to be 
provided by GWT and not by external libraries, comments ?  

Elemental seems to me the right place where to have non-so-standard 
features but supporting just chrome is not enough and I can't imagine alone 
the work needed to 
extend it to ff & co.  
I remember a post, that I cannot find anymore actually, about extending 
Elemental to support at least ff, there is any work in that direction or 
is better to leave generating-code-from-webidl just for chrome ? 

Thank you,

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