I forgot to upload the @GwtCreate annotation. You can find It here 

- Andrés

El viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013 06:30:15 UTC-3, Andrés Testi escribió:
> I've been working on a prototype inspired by Ray Cromwell's proposal for 
> @GwtCreate parameters, borrowing some ideas from Scala implicit macros. I 
> apologize for not to post this in the "Possible GWT.create() Improvements" 
> thread, but this message is too long to be only a comment. 
> You can check my patch at https://gwt-review.googlesource.com/4110. This 
> prototype has passed many JUnit tests cases and works fine (only fails 
> JEnumTypeTest after my last pull, I don't know why). Devmode also works.
> This proposal differs from Ray's original idea in that @GwtCreate is a 
> parameter annotation instead of a method annotation. Later I will justify 
> this decision.
> This new proposal consists on rewriting methods adding a trailing implicit 
> parameter of type o for each parameter annotated with @GwtCreate. 
> GwtCreateFactory is a hidden interface used by the compiler:
>   interface GwtCreateFactory {
>     <T> T create();
>   }
> When the compiler finds a code-gen method like
>   Foo createFoo(@GwtCreate final Class<? extends Foo> fooType) {
>     return GWT.create(fooType);
>   }
> it is rewritten as
>   Foo createFoo(final Class<? extends Foo> type, GwtCreateFactory 
> fooType$factory) {
>     return fooType$factory.create();
>   }
> ---- The @GwtCreate parameter requires to be final.
> ---- This proposal doesn't require constant evaluation expression. The 
> final modifier is required to disable non reproductible side effects.
> At method call site, an invocation like
>   Foo foo = createFoo(SubFoo.class);
> is rewritten as
>   class SubFoo$GwtCreateFactory implements GwtCreateFactory {
>     @Override public <T> T create() {
>       return GWT.create(SubFoo.class);
>     }    
>   }
>   Foo foo = createFoo(SubFoo.class, new SubFoo$GwtCreateFactory());
> Just like Scala implicit parameters, @GwtCreate can fight against type 
> erasure and subtyping
>   interface FooCreator {
>     <T extends Foo> T create(@GwtCreate Class<T> fooType);  
>   }
>   class FooCreatorImpl extends FooCreator {
>     <T extends Foo> T create(@GwtCreate final Class<T> fooType) {
>       return GWT.create(fooType);
>     }
>   }
> code-gen constructors are supported too
>   class CreateByConstructor<T extends Foo> {
>     final T instance;
>     public  CreateByConstructor(@GwtCreate final Class<T> fooType) {
>       instance = GWT.create(fooType);
>     }
>   }
> Again, as in Scala implicit parameters, nesting is allowed
>   class Foo {}
>   class SubFoo extends Foo {}
>   <F extends Foo> F createFoo(@GwtCreate final Class<F> fooType) {
>     return GWT.create(fooType);
>   }
>   <S extends SubFoo> S createSubFoo(@GwtCreate final Class<S> subFooType) {
>     return createFoo(subFooType);
>   }
> The decision to locate @GwtCreate on parameters was taken to support mixed 
> code-gen methods
>   <F extends Foo, B extends Bar>
>   void fooBarCreator(@GwtCreate final Class<F> fooType, @GwtCreate final 
> Class<B> barType) {
>     foo = GWT.create(fooType);
>     bar = GWT.create(barType);
>   }
> Note that the @GwtCreate class parameters aren't replaced by 
> GwtCreateFactory as was originally suggested by Ray Cromwell. This provides 
> access to actual parameters.
>   Class<T> storedType;
>   T instance;
>   void createFoo(@GwtCreate final Class<T> type) {
>     storedType = type;
>     instance = GWT.create(type);  
>   }
> * Upcoming improvements:
>   1) Support for explicit generators
>     @GwtCreate(generator = FooGenerator.class)
>     We should forbid assignation between parameters that differs in 
> @GwtCreate signature
>       Foo createFoo(@GwtCreate(generator = FooGen.class) final Class<? 
> extends Foo>) {...}
>       // This will fail
>       Foo forbiddenNesting(@GwtCreate(generator = BarGen.class) final 
> Class<? extends Foo> fooType) {
>         return createFoo(fooType);
>       }
>   2) Multiple parameters for GWT.create() by means of @GwtCreate.Param
>       <U, O> UiBinder<U, O> createBinder(
>             @GwtCreate(generator = UiBinGen.class) final Class<U> uiType, 
>             @GwtCreate.Param final Class<O> ownerType) {
>          return GWT.create(uiType, ownerType);
>       }
>     @GwtCreate.Params must respect the same kind of signature rules than 
> @GwtCreate, and a strict order of invocation
>       // Good ordering
>       Foo createFoo(
>             @GwtCreate final Class<? extends Foo> fooType,
>             @GwtCreate.Param final Class<?> arg1,
>             @GwtCreate.Param final Class<?> arg2) {  
>         return GWT.create(fooType, arg1, arg2);
>       }
>       // Bad ordering, this will fail
>       Foo createFoo(
>           @GwtCreate final Class<? extends Foo> fooType,
>           @GwtCreate.Param final Class<?> arg1,
>           @GwtCreate.Param final Class<?> arg2) { 
>         return GWT.create(fooType, arg2, arg1);
>       }
>     To allow mixed multiple code-gen parameters, we would bind main 
> parameters by name
>       <F extends Foo, B extends Bar>
>       void mixedMultiple(
>           @GwtCreate final Class<F> fooType, 
>           @GwtCreate.Param("fooType") final Class<?> fooArg,
>           @GwtCreate final Class<B> barType, 
>           @GwtCreate.Param("barType") final Class<?> barArg)
>   3) Support for GWT.create(this.getClass()) ? not exactly, but...
>     Explicits generators can eliminate the issue of the unique generator 
> per class hierarchy. An aditional boolean parameter for @GwtCreate would 
> mitigate the code size issue
>       abstract class UiBinderComposite extends UiBinderComposite {
>         public UiBinderComposite() {
>           UiBinder<Widget, UiBinderComposite> binder = 
> createBinder(getClass());
>         }
>         private static UiBinder<Widget, UiBinderComposite>
>             createBinder(@GwtCreate(        
>                     // The explicit generator knows when to stop the code 
> generation
>                     generator = UiBinderCompositeGenerator.class,
>                     // this.getClass() is disallowed by default.
>                     allowsThisClass = true) 
>                 final Class<? extends UiBinderComposite> type) {
>           return GWT.create(type);
>         }
>       }
>     Only API authors should treat with GWT.create(). API users should stay 
> isolated by means of code-gen methods.
> I can formalize all of these in a document if you agree. 
> Thanks for your attention!
> - Andrés

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