Hi Brian, thanks for the feedback!
What you proposes is not so hard to add, but I want the API end users to 
not have to deal with GWT.create() at all. 

El lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013 19:18:24 UTC-3, Brian Slesinsky escribió:
> Interesting. I like the idea of replacing class parameters with something 
> else. I'm not sure we need to sweep the implementation under the rug. 
> Particularly in fancier scenarios, it might be easier to work with it 
> explicitly.
> Suppose we have:
> /** Encapsulates a GWT create call. */
> interface Creator<T> {
>   Class<?> getClassLiteral();
>   List<Object> getArgs();
>   T get();
> }
> public class GWT {
>   ...  
>    /** Performs a GWT.create() call an encapsulates the result. */
>    final <T> Creator<T> creator(Class<?> classLiteral, Object... args);
> }
> Then you can write code that takes a Creator:
> MyService s = createService(GWT.creator(MyService.class), arg);
> static <S extends FooService> S createService(Creator<S> creator, String 
> arg) {
>    S s = creator.get();
>    // do some initialization involving arg.
>    return s;
> }
> This is how you write it without any compiler magic. But we would also 
> support using a bare class:
> MyService s = createService(MyService.class, arg);
> static <S extends FooService> S createService(@Creator final Class<S> 
> theClass, String arg) {
>    S s = GWT.create(theClass);
>    // do some initialization involving arg.
>    return s;
> }
> The compiler rewrites any Class arg marked as @Creator to actually take a 
> Creator, inserts the GWT.creator() call at the call site, and replaces the 
> GWT.create() call with a creator.get() call in the API. So we have compiler 
> magic to make the API look pretty for simple cases, but it's not strictly 
> necessary since you could write the same thing yourself (at the cost of 
> some verbosity).
> (I bundled the arguments along with the class since that seemed like the 
> most conservative approach. I'm not sure what happens if you have 
> compile-time arguments coming from the different places than the class 
> itself.)

All the compile-time arguments are required to come from the same place, 
being all literal or all @GwtCreate arguments.

  Foo createFoo(@GwtCreate Class<? extends Foo> type, @GwtCreate.Param 
String str) {

    // This will compile
    GWT.create(type, str);

    // This will fail
    GWT.create(type, "hello");

    // This will compile
    GWT.create(Foo.class, "hello");

- Andrés

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