Dear GWT team (and John in particular),

Lately I was checking from time to time the progress of the SDM incremental 
compiler in GWT 2.7.0.

Let me first say - great work so far! 
This morning our project was - for the first time - compilable with the new 
incremental SDM code-path, without internal compiler errors or visible 

And this with NO changes to the codebase. Also the fact that I don't have 
to split our codebase into very many small acyclic modules (not that it is 
not a good practice anyway) is obviously a HUGE PLUS.

What I am observing in terms of recompilation times is encouraging (25 
seconds with 2.7 vs. 47 with 2.6.1) but what is even more interesting is 
that the compilation itself (up until where it says "Compile of 
permutations succeeded") seems to take only 7 seconds, which is less than 
30% of the recompilation time.

In other words, with the new incremental compiler, the biggest slowdown 
during recompilation seems to be the linker now, right?
If the linking time can go down to, say, a couple of seconds, then SDM is 
there (IMO).

So out of pure curiosity - are there obvious optimizations in the linker 
which are still pending?

For example, I noticed that a huge amount of time (> 50% of the whole 
linking time) is spend in "Saving source with extras", i.e. SourceSaver. 
Given that these sources are only needed by the browser during a 
sourcemap-based debugging session, can't they be served on the fly by the 
code server rather than being pregenerated on disk during the 
recompilation? There are debugging scenarios (in-IDE debugging with SDBG), 
where these source files are not even needed and never requested from the 

Also, is there any way to accelerate the linker which is in the control of 
the developer?
For example, can I turn off the above source files pregeneration to see how 
much time is saved during recompilation?


Finally one side question:
Does the incremental compiler preserve the names of the generated 
JavaScript types/functions across recompiles? Including the names of the 
types/functions which ARE recompiled (as long as the programmer did not 
change the name of the corresponding Java method/class, that is)?

Because if it does, this opens interesting possibilities:

(a) Javascript hot-swapping 
One disadvantage of the current SDM recompilation is that it triggers page 
reload in the browser.
If the application being debugged is a stateful, single-paged one, this 
means that even for a very small change, the developer essentially 
starts-over the debugging, as the application state is lost. 

Now, the debugging protocol of Blink allows the debugger to hot-swap a 
piece of JavaScript with a newer version, right?
If the incremental compiler preserves the names of the generated Javascript 
types/functions, then a debugger like SDBG can detect the SDM recompilation 
and can pro-actively push the newly generated JavaScript into the browser. 
Imagine how cool is this: you stay on the page, spot a bug (say, in an 
onclick event handler), fix the bug in the Java code, hit the Recompile 
button (or Eclipse/SDBG does it for you behind the scenes when you save 
your Java file!) and there you have it - you can click again and now the 
correct, recompiled event handler will be triggered. All of this without 
leaving the application page and starting over.

Of course, for the above to work, additional changes may be necessary. For 
example, contrary to production, the generated javascript file should 
probably always be named the same way. Perhaps, it should also not contain 
one big "eval" statement. Finally, for big changes, the above hot-swapping 
will likely not work, but the idea is not to make it work in all cases, but 
for the majority of the small, incremental changes.

(b) On the fly evaluation of Java expressions in the debugger
The challenge here is that the expression being evaluated must be compiled 
as if it is already part of the GWT application (i.e.  if it refers to 
application's classes, methods fields etc., it should be with their correct 
javascript names). 
This sounds like a perfect fit for the incremental compiler - how about a 
new HTTP service point in the codeserver? Say, something like 
which outputs, as a response, a valid JavaScript block of code which can be 
evaluated by the debugger? SDBG (or other debugger) will then use the SDM 
codeserver as a compiler of sorts for the expression entered by the user 
during debugging.

I'm surely missing something - for example the evaluated expression needs 
to be capable of accessing the variables on the currently selected 
stackframe in the debugger, but if Eclipse's Java debugger is capable of 
doing that without special support in the Java debugging protocol, then it 
should be possible for our case as well.

What do you think?

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