>> For example, I noticed that a huge amount of time (> 50% of the whole 
>> linking time) is spend in "Saving source with extras", i.e. SourceSaver. 
>> Given that these sources are only needed by the browser during a 
>> sourcemap-based debugging session, can't they be served on the fly by the 
>> code server rather than being pregenerated on disk during the 
>> recompilation? There are debugging scenarios (in-IDE debugging with SDBG), 
>> where these source files are not even needed and never requested from the 
>> codeserver.
> Actually, saving sources isn't strictly needed to make source maps work, 
> especially for non-Googlers, so we can probably default this to false.
This is likely to break the ChromeDevTools debugger, as it does need and 
does request those source files from the codeserver, isn't it?
(SDBG does not need these as it has the "real" source files in the Eclipse 

Therefore the perfect scenario would be if these files are indeed 
materialized by the codeserver lazily, on a file-by-file basis, once such a 
file is requested by the browser.
A compromise would be if there is an option to switch their generation off, 
but it defaults to ON (generating them).

>> Finally one side question:
>> Does the incremental compiler preserve the names of the generated 
>> JavaScript types/functions across recompiles? Including the names of the 
>> types/functions which ARE recompiled (as long as the programmer did not 
>> change the name of the corresponding Java method/class, that is)?
> Yes, within a session. If you restart SDM, then no. Hot-patching and 
> expression evaluation are definitely things we've discussed (I want to 
> build an Apple XCode/Swift Playground-like REPL for fun myself), but first 
> we've got to make the normal SDM experience out of the box great, including 
> IDE integration and super-fast recompile.  Once we get there, hopefully we 
> can do the other things and reach a state that was better than DevMode was.
> I think within a session is good enough.
And yes, super-fast recompile is the most important thing of all. 
Everything else can wait.


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