
1. What does gwt-jscore do?

2. as Ray Cromwell suggested in this post "In general, native DOM elements 
== no $wnd prefix, JS libraries loaded in host page == $wnd prefix "

   This means your JQueryElement 

@JsType(prototype = "$wnd.jQuery")
public interface JQueryElement { ... }

What do you think?

Am Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2014 16:27:17 UTC+1 schrieb Cristian Rinaldi:
> I have been testing JsInterop for a while, and is very promising ... 
> The issue of static functions is something I have asked, and we have to 
> wait Java support 8 and the new JSNI too. 
> @confile, if you want to look at a couple of projects on which I am 
> working:
>    - gwt-jscore <https://github.com/workingflows/gwt-jscore>
>    - gwt-jquery <https://github.com/workingflows/gwt-jquery>
>    - gwt-playground 
>    <https://github.com/csrinaldi/samples-of-gwt/tree/master/gwt-playground>
>  probably when Elemental 2.0 has been implemented, gwt-jscore will not be 
> necessary. 
>  gwt-used-playgroud use jscore and a simple implementation of gwt-jquery, 
> with suport of Event and Promise...
>  For create object I use for the moment a Factory Class, and for emulate 
> static method, by example, Object.observe, I have a two interface, see: JS 
> Factory Class 
> <https://github.com/workingflows/gwt-jscore/blob/master/src/main/java/com/workingflows/js/jscore/client/factory/JS.java>
> and Browser Factory Class 
> <https://github.com/workingflows/gwt-jscore/blob/master/src/main/java/com/workingflows/js/jscore/client/factory/Browser.java>,
>  if 
> not the best solution, but until this all implemented works for me.
> Hope you helps.
> El sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014 12:18:08 UTC-3, confile escribió:
>> Consider the following static JavaScript function: 
>> THREE.ImageUtils = {
>>        loadTexture: function (url) { ... }
>> }
>> The way I use to create the static function with JsInterop is to create 
>> an interface for ImageUtils and then create an inner abstract class 
>> MyStatic which contains the static methods implemented with JSNI.
>> Here is an example of the above class: 
>> @JsType
>> public interface ImageUtils {
>> public static abstract class MyStatic {
>> public static native Texture create(String url) /*-{
>> return new $wnd.THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture(url);
>> }-*/; 
>>  }
>> }
>> I don't think this is the best solution. Is there a better way to handle 
>> static functions with JsInterop?

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