I am assuming that Google isn't really interested in Widgets and UiBinder 
for J2CL given their usage of GWT in inbox etc. I could be wrong. Assuming 
I am not, I would like to investigate starting up some community projects 
for Widget and Uibinder support. These won't be trivial to replace so we 
will need quite a long lead time. However, I think if we can show the 
community that they will be able to rely on these in the future, it will go 
a long way to reducing the fear that GWT is dead. 

On Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 10:06:20 AM UTC-4, Colin Alworth wrote:
> I can't speak for J2CL's timelines, as it is an internal project at this 
> time. However, it has been stated that it will support GWT's JRE emulation 
> and JsInterop out of the box, and the expectation is that it will simply be 
> a transpiler and won't support generators (suggested that projects move to 
> APT or the like), or linkers (since the Closure Compiler manages this part 
> of things).
> By itself, this means that Widget can work, though Element will need to be 
> reimplemented in JsInterop since JSOs won't exist (and JSNI is likely to 
> have a replacement as well). On the other hand, UiBinder uses the GWT 
> Generator system, which doesn't at this time have a clear upgrade path.
> To think about life without GWT.create(Foo.class), consider APT-based 
> projects like AutoValue, where class sources are generated on your 
> classpath (by your build tool, and your IDE if configured correctly) so 
> that you can reference these generated classes directly from within your 
> sources. For cases where you want to pick the right implementation (rtl, 
> locale, device formfactor, etc), a factory methods can also be declared 
> within the generated code, and you can reference  that rather than a 
> constructor.
> On Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 8:30:21 AM UTC-5, Paul Stockley wrote:
>> Does anyone have any idea when elemental 2 will be available? Also what 
>> is a rough timeline for a version on J2CL being available, is it 6 months, 
>> a year or more away? 
>> The reason I ask is that I am thinking about how our company can migrate 
>> to the new compiler. We will need widgets and UiBinder for quite a while, 
>> even though we will slowly migrate to React. I was contemplating creating a 
>> project to port the basic Widget framework to use something like elemental. 
>> Also I was thinking about how to build a new version of UiBinder that 
>> didn't use GWT.create.

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