Using GWT 2.8.1, I'm trying to iterate through items found via a query 

        item -> doSomething(item)

Unfortunately, this seems to always fail - querySelectorAll returns a 
NodeList<Element>, and while asArray() seems to specify Js.uncheckedCast, 
the resulting generated code is 

$forEach_1(new Arrays$ArrayList(*castToJsArray*(($clinit_DomGlobal() , 
document_0).querySelectorAll('button.with-some-class'))), new 

Predictable, the bolded castToJsArray causes an exception at runtime, since 
a NodeList isn't actually a JS Array at all.

Is there a correct way to do this, or perhaps a nicer way to iterate 
through NodeLists?

I assume this should be a bug filed against jsinterop-base, but am not 
seeing a repo for it, or is this a bug in GWT itself?

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