I have been working on an adaptation of gwt-jackson that uses APT instead 
of generators


now i have plans to support using the same API for both client side and 
server side and want to consider the JsXxxx types as supported types for 

If anyone is interested i welcome any type of  feedback

On Monday, December 11, 2017 at 2:25:04 PM UTC+2, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following up on 
> https://github.com/gwtproject/gwt/issues/9484#issuecomment-277216304, 
> I've been toying around to build a new JSON library for GWT.
> Note that my goal is to have a lightweight library that could be used both 
> on the client-side with GWT (and then j2cl), and on the server-side or in 
> any JVM; and "mapping" to/from POJOs is (currently) out of scope.
> What do you think would be the best API?
>    - Same as com.google.gwt.json.
>    This API is IMO verbose, and is based on wrapper objects that add 
>    runtime overhead.
>    - Same as elemental.json, except for JsonNull which goes away 
>    (represented by a Java 'null' and interchangeable with 'undefined').
>    Lighter-weight, both in terms of API verbosity and runtime overhead 
>    (no wrapper object).
>    Based on type coercion (you can ask every JsonValue to be returned as 
>    a boolean, double, or String, and value will be coerced accordingly).
>    elemental.json "JRE" types are also usable on client-side, and can be 
>    transported through GWT-RPC; I believe this is an aspect that we cannot 
>    preserve.
>    - Similar to jsinterop-base's Any, JsPropertyMap and JsArrayLike (for 
>    JsonValue, JsonObject and JsonArray respectively), and using Java String 
>    and primitives for other value types; and probably with the addition of a 
>    JsonType enum (or isXxx methods) on Any/JsonValue to be able to tell value 
>    types apart before you call the (throwing) asXxx methods.
>    This is actually similar to elemental.json but without the 
>    JsonBoolean, JsonNumber, and JsonString types; and it throws rather than 
>    coercing values.
>    This could even go farther and directly use JsonValue[] instead of 
>    JsonArray.
>    - Something else?
> One question also is whether this should be used for consuming JSON 
> mostly, or also for creating JSON (you'd generally use POJOs and serialize 
> them to JSON I believe, but there may be cases where you want to create a 
> dynamic structure that you cannot easily represent as a tree of POJOs), 
> and/or "updating/modifying JSON" (parse, update, stringify).
> Fwiw, this would also be a good opportunity to shape how a cross-platform 
> library would be developed in terms of project layout and tooling (in both 
> Gradle and Maven).
> Wrt the JVM/server-side support, what JSON parsing library should be used? 
> I was heading towards the lightweight Moshi from Square, but I believe 
> there could possibly be several "adapters" for Moshi, GSON, Jackson, etc. 
> (and even org.json's JsonTokenizer/JsonStringer)

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