I also one of those who replaced gwt-i18n with my own implementation which 
was a simple dictionary like, that loads the labels and messages at 
runtime, but in my case i didnt need more than plain simple text 
translation without parameters or anything else.

with that said, one of the goals of porting gwt 2 modules is to provide a 
smooth transition for applications that uses gwt into gwt 3.0, this does 
not mean we cant introduce something new or implement things differently, 
but we can have both, while we are porting the old module and ensure a 
smooth transition, we give ourselves a better chance and freedom to 
brainstorm, introduce and discuss new things.

while working on porting i18n module i am trying to break it into smaller 
modules that are more specific to one thing,  so :
1- i started by extracting the i18n module from the monolith gwt code, and 
make sure the test cases works.
2- i have draft implementation of an APT based constants 
generator https://github.com/vegegoku/gwt-constants-apt
3- extracted  CLDR into its own module with no JSNI and JSO, the generator 
is also moved out of the gwt tools into its own module and now works with 
gradle instead of ant.

and i am pretty sure there are many gwt i18n users who will appreciate this 
non evolutionary porting, but also i believe this will give us a better 
ground when we start introducing new things, and for such a large module 
will help us with coordination and get more involved.


On Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 8:46:28 PM UTC+3, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 3:03:39 PM UTC+2, Learner Evermore wrote:
>> I think I18N is important. However, we never liked or used the GWT 2.x 
>> style of it because it requires dev time knowledge of locales and 
>> multiplies permutations (compile time). It was also inflexible another way 
>> - e.g. if a user wants to switch or update the language the code is 
>> reloaded as well and the state lost.
>> Instead we load localizations separately from the main code (and have the 
>> ability to automaticall, at runtime, merge it with the code, should we wish 
>> to do so). 
>> A serious GWT must have a serious I18N system, *not* like GWT 2.x.
>> Now, we still need to address porting of existing code - if there remains 
>> a desire for porting today. We can make that easier. However, since some 
>> work will be involved anyway, the compatibility system does not have to do 
>> it the GWT 2.x way, just needs to be more-or-less compatible with it from 
>> the coding perspective.
> I 100% agree (as I said earlier in this thread) that we need to critically 
> reevaluate and rethink how we do i18n. One thing is that we need to 
> evaluate messages and constants separately from formatting/collation/etc. 
> The latter could use generation from CLDR (like in GWT 2), or possibly 
> delegate to the browser's native Intl (
> https://caniuse.com/#feat=internationalization), or even possibly support 
> both (with minimal to no change to the code).
> IFF we can get something that allows for dynamically switching locale 
> without reloading, that would be even better (though this has –probably, 
> maybe you could tell us more about how you did it– huge impacts in how you 
> architecture your application)
> One thing appears quite clear to me though, that in terms of application 
> architecture, everything should be "injected" into the components et al. 
> I.e. in your application, you define your messages, etc. and most 
> importantly which locales you're going to support, this would then generate 
> appropriate code to handle it, and you pass the required instances 
> (DateTimeFormat or whatever) down to the components coming from libraries.
> I believe we should brainstorm rather than rush into implementations, or 
> we're going to simply copy what GWT 2 is already doing. We should aim for 
> maximum backwards compatibility, but we have the opportunity of doing 
> things better and introduce a few breaking changes, and we should seize it!

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