Sorry if this post appears twice... I posted yesterday, and now I
can't find it!  :)

I am having a problem using GWT's SuggestBox on FF3 when the custom
SuggestOracle calls an RPC on a webserver that is geographically far
away.  What seems to be happening is that an earlier query completed
AFTER the final query, which ultimately results in the wrong
suggestions being displayed.

For example, assume "X" displays 20 results, and "XYZ" displays 1
result.  If the user types "XYZ" really quickly, multiple RPC requests
will be sent to the webserver, which is fine.  I can see these
requests being processed, and I can see each one of them sending the
correct results back to the client.  However, the suggestions that end
up being displayed are the results for the "X" or "XY" query, not
"XYZ".  Has anyone else encountered this?  Any idea how to resolve
it?  So far I have only been able to reproduce this issue with FF3,
but if it is an ordering issue, it should be reproducible with any
browser.  I will try to test this later today to make sure, but I was
hoping someone else has seen this problen and resolved it already.

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