jbdhl schrieb:
> With release 1.5, GWT now supports plural forms. Hurray! But the
> documentation lacks info on how  to handle translations in a common
> development work flow. We are considering moving a fairly large
> application, currently localized using gettext, to GWT but we need to
> make sure the translation-workflow with GWT-Messages can be as
> efficient as our current one.

There is no workflow for the development of language-property-
files. The GWT-compiler takes the project-GWT.xml-file, looks
for the Locales that the application to be created should support
and creates one HTML-file for every Locale containing the localized
texts that were inside the property-file before.

In other words, if you change something in the property-file,
you have to recreate the project.

In addition to that, there are no tools that help you manage
these property-files and nobody will miss that very much by
the way, because if you were developing in Java before, you
use the tools you already have for the managing of property-
files used for the ResourceBundle-framework of Java.

So if you need specialized tools for the creation of property-
files and the corresponding interface-classes you need additional
packages that might be offered by third parties or you check out
if gettext can handle Java-properties-files that are encoded
in UTF-8.

Regards, Lothar

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