I'm not sure, but I think Tomcat should treat http://localhost and
http://<ip-address> as different origins requiring separate sessions.
If this is your only problem, then don't use the IP address to access
your site.

If it's not the only problem, then post some meaningful diagnostics
from your server log.  You should have done that in your first post.


On Sep 28, 1:08 pm, sim123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone please look into this issue, I really have no clue what is
> going on.
> On Sep 27, 3:38 pm, sim123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a simple application built in GWT and java servlet
> > 1. User login : user logs in using a asynchronous call to server, RPC
> > service creates a session and return it to client, on OnSuccess of
> > this login call I load data on to browser, there are few RPC calls and
> > one call to downlaod pictures from another tomcat instance.
> > 2. I have servlet filter implemented to check if the request is valid
> > or not, based on session coming from Cookies this filter validates the
> > request and pass it to appropriate RPC or non RPC Servlet.
> > Now everything is working fine in hosted mode browser but when I do
> > compile/browse I get authentication exception in filter, I don't know
> > ehy is it so as I am getting the session ID back in onSuccess method
> > of Login call and after that I am performing all other operaitons. I
> > created a war file and deployed it on external tomcat, everything
> > works fine if I type "http://localhost:8080/login/Login.html";, but if
> > I type ip address of my machine instead of localhost I get same
> > authentication exception saying session is null, is there something
> > realated to redirecting to another tomcat's instance when loading
> > images? If that is the case why it is not happening in hosted mode and
> > in"localhsot" ?
> > I would really appreciate if somebody could please help me with this
> > issue.
> > Thansk for all the help and support- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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