
ship schrieb:
> As you wrote i had tried. But a error is occured that class can not
> found.
> I had write these lines:
> HTML applet = new HTML();
> panel.add(applet);
>  applet.setHTML("<APPLET code=\"JFileChoose.class\"></applet>");
> I put my class file in classes folder of web.
> I want browse a folder so i write a applet by using JFileChooser. Now
> i want to run this applet on clicking a button. I had tried but after
> clicking on button applet is not run.

Create a HTML-page and try it out directly. Most likely the
HTML-code you used is not supported by the browser you used
for testing (as far as I know IE expects the OBJECT-tag instead
of the APPLET-tag, which is used by Mozilla-browsers).

BTW: As long as you don't have signed the applet, the JFileChooser
will not work.

Regards, Lothar

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