I'm back.  I looked at gwt-ext but that doesn't look like a good
alternative for me.  I was having good luck with layouts, the demo
page http://www.gwt-ext.com/demo/ is impressive but I would only
recommend gwt-ext it you are absolutely sure you'll never need to
deviate from the sample code in the demos.  No deviation at all.
Things that are easy with GWT (such as making a composite with an
Image and a Label) don't mesh well with gadgets like the gwt-ext
grids.  Grids only accept a few basic data types.  I suppose a real
gwt-ext developer would just switch to JS code to get around any road
blocks.  That defeats my initial draw to GWT, to avoid JS.

I'll give straight GWT one more try.  If I can just get the panels to
size reasonably...

On Oct 22, 2:07 pm, JohnMudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can I sidestep issues with these widgets by switching to MyGWT or gwt-
> ext?
> John
> On Oct 18, 11:26 pm,JohnMudd<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cool, I got issue number 3000.  Nice round 
> > number.http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=3000
> > On Oct 18, 11:14 pm,JohnMudd<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have to hand it to you, your changes (summarized below) do produce
> > > the desired 50% height in the log message.  But it's getting a little
> > > off track from my original intention and it doesn't seem to help in
> > > compiled mode, my ultimate goal.  I think at this point I'll try
> > > reporting this as a bug and see what kind of response I get.
> > > <     appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, "50%");
> > > <     bodyPanel.setSize("100%", "100%");
> > > ---
> > > >     appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, "100%");
> > > >     bodyPanel.setSize("100%", "50%");
> > > >     bodyPanel.add(new HTML("X"));
> > > John
> > > On Oct 17, 11:05 pm, "Ian Bambury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Try this. Works for me. You might need a doctype
> > > > Ian
> > > >http://examples.roughian.com
> > > >         root.add(basePanel);
> > > >         basePanel.setSize("100%", "200px");
> > > >         basePanel.add(logPanel);
> > > >         basePanel.setCellWidth(logPanel, "30%");
> > > >         basePanel.setCellHeight(logPanel, "100%");
> > > >         logPanel.setSize("100%", "100%");
> > > >         basePanel.add(appPanel);
> > > >         basePanel.setCellWidth(appPanel, "70%");
> > > >         basePanel.setCellHeight(appPanel, "100%");
> > > >         appPanel.setSize("100%", "100%");
> > > >         appPanel.add(bodyPanel);
> > > >         appPanel.setCellWidth(bodyPanel, "100%");
> > > >         appPanel.setCellHeight(bodyPanel, "100%");
> > > >         bodyPanel.setSize("100%", "50%");
> > > >         bodyPanel.add(new HTML("X"));
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