
On 12 déc, 15:13, "Arthur Kalmenson" <arthur.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, I think that in general it's a much better use of resources
> to get a graphics designer to come up with the L & F and layout of
> your application.

Actually, Arthur, I would generally fully agree with you about a web
application. But what some people expect from GWT is to keep us as far
as possible from CSS and HTML, so that we can mostly develop the
application using only an OOP language. Maybe it is utopic, because
HTML and CSS have never been designed in the aim of developing rich
applications, but GWT has made a first great pace and we expect it to
do more.

You are right, any third party is DEFINITELY NOT the same quality as
GWT (neither is gwt-incubator). It is like comparing the JDK to
commons-lang or something like that. But they (or actually the one I
am using) are not SO buggy (and bugs are quickly fixed), and not "as
slow as molasses" ;-). And it helps you a lot with design. Actually, I
don't care about "shininess", what I want is to not write a line of



> --
> Arthur Kalmenson
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:40 AM, David Hoffer <dhoff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Arther,
> > Your comments are well taken.  Since I have heard this before we have
> > used pure GWT.
> > However, at this point however, I do think GWT missed it a bit here
> > because most Java programmers do not know CSS, at least not well, and
> > you cannot use GWT without knowing CSS.  This fact, I think drives
> > some to these other frameworks.
> > I think an ideal situation would be for GWT (or someone) to create a
> > mechanism to get a standard L&F with GWT without knowing CSS; sort of
> > like what you can do with Swing.  Although just like Swing you should
> > be able to customized this L&F via some mechanism and in the case of
> > GWT CSS is fine.  It seems GWT did start to go in this direction with
> > the GWT themes but they aren't extensive enough.
> > -Dave
> > On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >> Hello David and tomato,
> >> I highly recommend you stay as far away from Ext-GWT, SmartGWT and
> >> GWT-ext as you can. Gregor said it best, while they might look shiny,
> >> they are as slow as molasses and a huge PITA to work with. Once you
> >> start using them, you fall into their overly complex and inconsistent
> >> event models, you completely forgo most of GWT since these libraries
> >> can't work with GWT widgets, and give up the simplicity and high
> >> quality you come to expect from GWT. I say this from experience.
> >> --
> >> Arthur Kalmenson
> >> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Miles T. <dupont.nico...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Hi David and tomato,
> >>> We also didn't (and still don't) want to write HTML or CSS for our
> >>> application (it aims to be an internal application, not a public
> >>> website). Consider using Ext GWT, SmartGWT or GWT-Ext, I guess this is
> >>> what you're looking for. These libraries provide a set of widgets and
> >>> look and feels and let you define your own. They also allow you to
> >>> devlop in a Swing-style by using standard layouts (BorderLayout,
> >>> CenterLayout,...).
> >>> We choose Ext GWT because it is a full GWT library (others are
> >>> wrapping a JS library), it provides a simple MVC layer and has more
> >>> documentation.
> >>> Regards
> >>> On 8 déc, 14:34, "David Hoffer" <dhoff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> Hi Gregor,
> >>>> Thanks for the detailed response I will give this a try today.
> >>>> As I read this I thought of a couple questions.
> >>>> 1. Does my CSS file have to have a particular name?  You say it goes
> >>>> next to the HTML file.  Do I just name it the same but with css
> >>>> extension and it will be found or do I have to reference it somehow in
> >>>> my HTML/XML?
> >>>> 2. You mentioned to look at the showcase examples to get CSS to use.
> >>>> I looked at all these yesterday and found that most do not show the
> >>>> CSS used (I think most of the widgets did but most containers did
> >>>> not).  I then looked at the source code for showcase given in the GWT
> >>>> examples and it seems they are using annotations to bring in styling
> >>>> information.  What's up with this?  It seems there is more than one
> >>>> way to apply CSS in GWT.  This makes it harder to learn how one is to
> >>>> do this.
> >>>> As an example of what currently looks really bad...DialogBox and
> >>>> VerticalSplitPanel.  The former has no border so it doesn't even look
> >>>> remotely like a DialogBox and VerticalSplitPanel only has a splitter
> >>>> bar...no border.  So unless you really know there is a split panel you
> >>>> have no idea what you are looking at.  For these examples the showcase
> >>>> shows no CSS so apparently it is using annotations to bring in
> >>>> styling.  BTW, for these cases I am using the standard theme.
> >>>> Thanks much, I will look at your example.
> >>>> -Dave
> >>>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 7:57 PM, gregor <greg.power...@googlemail.com> 
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>> > Hi Dave,
> >>>> > 1) I think this might have something to do with debugging client
> >>>> > javascript at run time using Firebug or something - I've never used it
> >>>> > to be honest.
> >>>> > 2) I happen to have a simple CSS example to hand, so this might help -
> >>>> > apologies if its too simplistic....
> >>>> > Your module will have its own CSS file next to its HTML file in the
> >>>> > public folder.
> >>>> > If you check the standard theme GWT CSS for DisclosurePanel it looks
> >>>> > like this:
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel {
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel-open {
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel-closed {
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel .header,
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel .header a,
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel .header td {
> >>>> >  text-decoration: none;  /* Remove underline from header */
> >>>> >  color: black;
> >>>> >  cursor: pointer;
> >>>> >  cursor: hand;
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .gwt-DisclosurePanel .content {
> >>>> >  border-left: 3px solid #e8eef7;
> >>>> >  padding: 4px 0px 4px 8px;
> >>>> >  margin-left: 6px;
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > Notice that it starts with gwt-DisclosurePanel - this is the primary
> >>>> > style name given to this widget. In the DisclosurePanel source
> >>>> > somewhere you will find setStylePrimaryStyleName("gwt-
> >>>> > DisclosurePanel"). Elsewhere in the code you will find they assign the
> >>>> > various sub-styles to individual components of DisplosurePanel using
> >>>> > add/removeStyleName(styleName) or add/removeStyleDependentName
> >>>> > (styleSuffix) corresponding to e.g.gwt-DisclosurePanel-open and e.g.
> >>>> > gwt-DisclosurePanel .header respectively (or is it the other way
> >>>> > round, it's late). So the java code switches between the -open and -
> >>>> > closed styles in response to user clicks etc, but the primary style is
> >>>> > always the same.
> >>>> > (This is how to go about using CSS when you design your own composite
> >>>> > widgets - follow what they do)
> >>>> > Now you have two choices how to proceed to start with.
> >>>> > 1) don't use a standard theme, but keep a copy of one of them (i.e.
> >>>> > the CSS files) handy so you can cut and paste the CSS format for each
> >>>> > widget into your own module CSS file where you can edit it how you
> >>>> > like - you just need to do each one as you need it.
> >>>> > 2) Put <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
> >>>> > (or chrome/dark) in your module gwt.xml file which will activate the
> >>>> > theme. Now however you are stuck with what they give you - well, no,
> >>>> > you are not......
> >>>> > Notice that the .gwt-DisclosurePanel .content style has got borders
> >>>> > and padding etc. Now I was happy with most of the standard theme for
> >>>> > what I was doing, but I did not want the contents of the disclosure
> >>>> > panel to be so indented - I wanted it flush with the outer border of
> >>>> > the panel. So I stuck this in my own module CSS file:
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel {
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel-open {
> >>>> >    width: 100%;
> >>>> >    height: 100%
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel-closed {
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel .header,
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel .header a,
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel .header td {
> >>>> >  text-decoration: none;  /* Remove underline from header */
> >>>> >  color: black;
> >>>> >  cursor: pointer;
> >>>> >  cursor: hand;
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > .my-DisclosurePanel .content {
> >>>> >    width: 100%;
> >>>> >    height: 100%
> >>>> >    /*border-left: 3px solid #e8eef7;
> >>>> >  padding: 4px 0px 4px 8px;
> >>>> >  margin-left: 6px;*/
> >>>> > }
> >>>> > Then in my Java class code:
> >>>> > private DisclosurePanel myDiscPanel = new DisclosurePanel();
> >>>> > ...
> >>>> > myDiscPanel .setStylePrimaryName("my-DisclosurePanel");
> >>>> > et viola the annoying indents have gone for this particular
> >>>> > DisclosurePanel, but I still have the main GWT theme running for all
> >>>> > other widgets (including any other DisclosurePanels I don't choose to
> >>>> > doctor like this) which is useful otherwise everything really does
> >>>> > look awful to start with. Notice how just changing the primary style
> >>>> > name achieves this (which is why you should design your own widgets
> >>>> > like this: it enables wholesale alterations to L&F with minimal effort
> >>>> > and it is truly amazing what you can do CSS styling when you get the
> >>>> > hang of it. It makes Swing look stupid in some respects).
> >>>> > It may drive you mad for a bit but I assure you there is method in
> >>>> > this madness. A good tip when you get a bit lost is to fire up the
> >>>> > showcase demo, choose an example widget that vaguely resembles what
> >>>> > you need to do and look up it's source code and CSS.
> >>>> > regards
> >>>> > gregor
> >>>> > On Dec 7, 11:05 pm, "David Hoffer" <dhoff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> >> Thanks for stating the obvious, I hadn't seen that web site yet.
> >>>> >> Okay, I have a couple of CSS newbie questions.
> >>>> >> 1. What are calls like
> >>>> >> disabledButton.ensureDebugId("cwBasicButton-disabled") for?  This
> >>>> >> isn't a Java like thing.
> >>>> >> 2. Where do I paste the CSS Style code?
> >>>> >> Thanks!
> >>>> >> -Dave
> >>>> >> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 10:45 AM, tomato <ivy.ye.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> >> > Hi David,
> >>>> >> > I'm new too, I don't know much about GWT. I'll risk stating the
> ...
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