
I have been using the ScrollTable widget
(com.google.gwt.gen2.table.client.ScrollTable) in the incubator and I
find it very useful. I need to add a "Row Header" section which
contains fixed columns that do not move when scrolling horizontally.

I have studied the AbstractScrollTable
(com.google.gwt.gen2.table.client.AbstractScrollTable) class code
which implements most of the ScrollTable functionality and I think the
"cleanest" and best way to add a Row Header would be to add a
FixedWidthFlexTable that implements it, much in the same way the
existing headerTable has been implemented.

Has anyone done this before? Are there any best practices to change
the current code in the incubator (AbstractScrollTable class code
would need some substantial parts added to it)?

An abovious solution would be create my own class that extends
AbstractScrollTable, but this contains either private or protected
instance variables (for example Element absoluteElement, the widget
main DIV container), so I'd rather go for the cleanest approach

Any help and suggestions highly appreciated.


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