Not Ken Shabby schrieb:
> I would find this group more useful and would participate more if
> there were "sub-groups" of some kind.

Why not starting by moving the GWT-group from a maillist/web-forum to
a newsgroup (residing in Usenet). From the general point of view of
the regular Google Groups user who is accessing the group with the
web-browser like a web-forum there is no difference. But the "power-
user" can use his/her news-reader allowing e.g. using scoring, flags,
etc. to find the interesting things.

> I see similar "newbie" questions
> over and over again, or questions about the same topic repeated many
> times.

In a newsgroup the general way is posting a weekly/monthly FAQ.

> Searching is NOT a solution.

I think Google might think different about that ;-)

> Searching might be OK, if you are
> just looking for the answer to a problem and you hope someone else has
> already expressed the problem in the same way that you would and it
> has been answered, BUT ...

... simply asking is much easier ;-/

> if I am browsing through looking to help by
> answering a few questions, I don't want to wade through the same stuff
> over and over again. I also see no current way in which useful answers
> are retained. So kind of categorization would be useful. ? Major
> catagories
> ? Experience level
> ? Tags
> ? Votes

The current traffic of GWT is about 600 messages per week, which is not
too much for an average newsgroup. Only the organization as web-forum
makes it uncomfortable. I'm not happy, either, because I use the
group as maillist, leading to huge inboxes if I'm away for some time.

Changing it to a newsgroup would ease things a lot. It would enlarge
the audience (Usenet-user instead of only Google Groups users) also.

Regards, Lothar

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