Isaac Truett schrieb:
> If you want a newsgroup, why don't you go start a newsgroup?

Actually there is no need to. There is already a hierarchy
present that covers GWT:*
Also there are other groups available e.g. in Germany
( where GWT-questions could be answered.

> There are
> plenty of mediums for information about GWT that aren't maintained by
> Google. No reason you can't create another one.

If there is enough traffic in one or more of the above mentioned
groups, it shouldn't be a problem asking for the creation
of another group e.g. The advantage of
moving to a newsgroup would be that discussions about e.g.
GWT-ext or "how do I create a servlet" are not automatically
off topic or can be redirected into another newsgroup that
covers that topic.

Personally I don't have a problem with this group I just don't
see a way to "improve" the group by introducing tags, experience-
level-informations or votes to the system because the "advanced"
users I assume are using the group as maillist anyway (where
you will never see the last two informations) and tags don't
work for most of the posts you see in this group asked by
people who are new to the group (it has been tried in enough
newsgroups I'm subscribed to without helping anything).

Maybe it would be start to actively redirect questions to one
of the beforementioned groups instead of answering them here.

Regards, Lothar

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