Per the Login Security FAQ (
toolkit-incubator/wiki/LoginSecurityFAQ) I have a few questions:

1) We're storing the SID in a client-side cookie and then the GWT app
is grabbing that and sending it to the server with each RPC request.
How is that any different than getting the SID from the cookie on the
server side? Theoretically if an attacker can replace the cookie, then
wouldn't the GWT portion of the code that reads the cookie to send it
along with the RPC request pick up the replaced cookie anyway?

2) What is wrong with simply relying on the normal Tomcat (et al)
method of handling sessions? Perhaps I simply wish to store some
information once the client has logged in via an authentication back-
end that I do not control. Why do I need to send the SID along with
each request? The client and server already automagically connect each
incoming client request with the correct session bag (or I thought
this happened).

Thank you for your time!

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