I can answer the 2nd the fastest.  It does make sense to have Tomcat
or whatever server handle things, until you have a multi-server
cluster.  Then typical session management ideals are tossed out the

On Dec 29, 7:10 am, akutz <sak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Per the Login Security FAQ (http://code.google.com/p/google-web-
> toolkit-incubator/wiki/LoginSecurityFAQ) I have a few questions:
> 1) We're storing the SID in a client-side cookie and then the GWT app
> is grabbing that and sending it to the server with each RPC request.
> How is that any different than getting the SID from the cookie on the
> server side? Theoretically if an attacker can replace the cookie, then
> wouldn't the GWT portion of the code that reads the cookie to send it
> along with the RPC request pick up the replaced cookie anyway?
> 2) What is wrong with simply relying on the normal Tomcat (et al)
> method of handling sessions? Perhaps I simply wish to store some
> information once the client has logged in via an authentication back-
> end that I do not control. Why do I need to send the SID along with
> each request? The client and server already automagically connect each
> incoming client request with the correct session bag (or I thought
> this happened).
> Thank you for your time!
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