Thanks for the really quick answer!!!

I can modify the script I include but I'd rather not. The calls of
"throw" are already wrapped in a function therefore your solution
could be envisaged.

There is another solution that works but I do not trully understand
why. I wrap the call of "new MyObject()" in a function defined in the
foo.js file :
function wrappingMyObjectConstructor() {
  try {
    return new MyObject();
  } catch (e) {
    throw e;

and calling wrappingMyObjectConstructor in JSNI works fine in IE. This
is a hack, it works, but does anyone know how to avoid this or can
explain this?


On 5 jan, 17:43, "Ian Petersen" <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 8:37 AM, blissteria <> wrote:
> > Let foo.js a javascript file containing:
> > function MyObject(){
> >  throw "String Thrown";
> > };
> > In my Module.gwt.xml I add the following line to include the script
> > <script src="foo.js" />
> > Then in any java file of my application, in the click method of a
> > clickListener for instance, I call the function "createMyObject"
> > defined as:
> > public native void createMyObject()/*-{
> >  new $wnd.MyObject();
> > }-*/;
> > The call of this function is surrounded by a try/catch block :
> > try {
> >  createMyObject();
> > }
> > catch (Exception e){
> >  Window.alert(e);
> > }
> > This works fine in firefox 2 and 3  but not in IE (6 and 7). In IE I
> > got an "exception rised but not caught" error and therefore no
> > alert...
> > What do you think of this problem?
> I'm just guessing here because I don't know how GWT maps native
> Javascript "exceptions" into Java.  I think your problem might be
> related to the fact that you're throwing a string, not an Exception
> and you're catching an Exception, not a string.
> Do you have control over the script you're trying to include?  Can you
> modify the throw statement to call into a Java method that throws a
> "real" exception?  Could you factor the throw statement into a helper
> function that gets substituted by a JSNI method when the script is
> invoked from a GWT app?
> Ian
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