Hi there,

In my app I need to create a table with several sections, by using several 
tbody elements. For those how are wondering, yes, that's supported by the 
W3C spec: a table can have multiple tbody elements (see this question at 
for details).

I really need several tbody elements because the data structure and styling 
needed for each section cannot be achieved by just adding more table rows, 
or "header rows".

That being said, I started my research trying to find a way to do that with 
DataGrid/CellTable on GWT.

And then I found this thread:


... which states that:

[...] If you really need/want several tbodies, you'll have to fork the 
> whole thing


[...] If I were you, I'd first ask myself whether I really need those 
> multiple tbodies…

Well, in my opinion the framework is not supposed to judge if you need 
something or not, if what you want is supported by the specs. Anyway, the 
"you'll have to fork the whole thing" got me puzzled... How hard it would 
be to fork it?

First step is to create a custom CellTableBuilder. And by that I mean a 
class that implements CellTableBuilder directly, since we cannot use the 
DefaultCellTableBuilder or even the AbstractCellTableBuilder, because the 
"HtmlTableSectionBuilder tbody" object I need to access is private on 
AbstractCellTableBuilder. So I created a CustomCellTableBuilder with most 
code copied from AbstractCellTableBuilder and DefaultCellTableBuilder.

Ugly, but now I have access to the HtmlTableSectionBuilder object. Next 
step is to change it to allow multiple tbody elements.

And now the things started to be a real mess. The HtmlElementBuilderBase, 
which is the parent class of HtmlTableSectionBuilder, doesn't accept 
multiple top level tags. You are forced to start a tag and put stuff into 
it. And it gets worse: if you try to extend the HtmlElementBuilderBase to 
create your own builder, you just can't... because the constructor requires 
a HtmlBuilderImpl oject, which is only visible at package level 
(com.google.gwt.dom.builder.shared) !

And then I figured out what the "you'll have to fork the whole thing" 
means: I'd have to really fork the whole thing.

It's not the first time I stumble on package scoped classes or private 
fields/methods that forbids you to create a custom behaviour (even if that 
behaviour is supported by the specs). So I came with some questions:

Why GWT is designed that way, so hard to extend? Is that a reflection of a 
desperate need for contributors to the project, by having to "fork the 
whole thing"? Or is it to force the developers to use paid frameworks built 
on top of GWT?
Why package-scoped classes?
Why private fields on classes that are supposed to be extended?

In pure Java, such bad design for extension points can be treated with 
reflection. Not beautiful, not best performance, but it works. In GWT 
that's not an option, so we are left to "fork the whole thing".

I really hope that future versions of GWT have a better approach to 
extension points. The framework shouldn't forbid the developer from making 
his own choices.

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