The only issue I can see with the above code is that you have not 
implemented hashcode/equals for your places. However GWT expects you do 
implement both methods correctly for your places. I am still under the 
impression that it should just work, especially because you use 
placeController.goTo(new UserPlace(name)). In that case GWT does not parse 
the URL at all but only updates the URL in the browser based on the place 
you have created yourself in code.

Do you use UiBinder in your UserViewImpl? If yes then check if the widget 
that shows the user name has not been recreated accidentally, e.g. 
something like

UserViewImpl extends Composite {

  Label userNameLabel;

  public UserViewImpl() {
    *userNameLabel = new Label();*

  void setName(...) {


will not work because the userNameLabel has been recreated manually in the 
constructor and is not attached in the browser UI at all.

-- J.

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