Emite 0.4.5 released

We want to announce our next release (0.4.5) of emite
(emite.googlecode.com). The goal of emite is to build a reliable xmpp
client on the browser. Currently is fully written using Java and GWT,
it has several modules to implement the xmpp-bosh communications
library itself, the InstantMessaging module, a full featured UI
client... and more to come. Also we've changed our license to less
restrictive LGPLv3.
More info, documentation, screenshots and examples at

Suco 0.6.0 released

Suco (suco.googlecode.com) is a micro GWT library that helps to
maintain your GWT client code clean and modular. It helps to implement
the InversionOfControl and Publisher/Subscribe patterns and it's
inspired by Google's Guice.
We are using it in our GWT projects like emite and it makes our life
(gwt development) much easier :)
Suco is released under LGPLv3.
More information and documentation at suco.googlecode.com.

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