I don't know what gwt-fabridge is, but maybe that project has it's own
support list you can use for issues such as this?  Not sure you will
get much response here.

On Feb 3, 4:00 pm, "Jihong Liu" <jihong....@satmetrix.com> wrote:
> Hi. I have a problem for gwt-fabridge. I think it may be a critical
> issue for gwt-fabridge.
> If a swf widget is added into a panel, and then add the panel into a
> container. And then remove the panel from the container, and then add
> the panel back into the container. Then the Null pointer error will
> occur at onInitialization()caused by the swf widget. I did a test using
> the FABridgeDemo. In the FABridgeDemo, I added a button for removing the
> swf widget.
> When start the program, first click the "Add new SWF", and everything is
> ok. Then click the "Remove SWF", then the swf is removed. Then click the
> "Add new SWF" again, then an error will happen.
> I have tried many ways, the only way to make it work is to create the
> swf widge again and using a different name if the widget has been
> removed. For example:
>     java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
>     swfWidget = new
> SWFABridgeWidget("app.swf",400,400,"example"+date.getTime());
> But it is not good at all. And the behavior is not the same as other
> regular gwt widgets. For other widgets, after they are put in a panel.
> Then you can add/drop this panel into/from a container many times
> without re-create the inside widgets.
> I am really frustrated about this problem. Based on user's selection we
> will add different panels into a container for display. It is really
> painful if we have to create the swf widgets again if the panel has been
> dropped from the container once.
> I don't know whether the following code in
> pl.rmalinowski.gwt2swf.client.ui.SWFWidge causes problem or not.
> protected void onUnload() {
>     // GWT.log("onUnload", null);
>     getElement().removeChild(DOM.getFirstChild(getElement()));
>     isSWFInjected = false;
>     super.onUnload();
>   }
> The statement: getElement().removeChild(DOM.getFirstChild(getElement()))
> removes the child from the widget. Thus after a swfwidget is removed
> from a panel, and then add the swf back, no child there.
> Following is the code in com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ComplexPanel
> @Override
>   public boolean remove(Widget w) {
>     // Validate.
>     if (w.getParent() != this) {
>       return false;
>     }
>     // Orphan.
>     orphan(w);
>     // Physical detach.
>     Element elem = w.getElement();
>     DOM.removeChild(DOM.getParent(elem), elem);
>     // Logical detach.
>     getChildren().remove(w);
>     return true;
>   }
> It sounds to me that the different between two programs is that in
> ComplexPanel, it removes the widget's element only, but in SWFWidge, it
> removes the child of the widget's element.
> Thank you very much!
> Jihong Liu
> Following is the source code which causes problem
> package com.satmetrix.swfTest.client;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.SWFABridgeWidget;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.bridge.BridgeObject;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.bridge.BridgeParameter;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.bridge.BridgeParameterObject;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.events.IInitializationListener;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.events.ISWFListener;
> import org.argunet.gwt.fabridge.client.utils.JSNIUtils;
> import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
> import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ClickListener;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
> import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
> public class FABridgeDemo implements EntryPoint, IInitializationListener
> {
>       private final Button addNewSwf = new Button("Add new SWF");
>       private final Button removeSwf = new Button("Remove SWF");
>       private final Button setCheckBox = new Button("Set Checkbox
> property");
>       private final Label sliderLabel = new Label("Slider Label");
>       private SWFABridgeWidget swfWidget=null;
>       private final Button createDataGrid = new Button("Create Data
> Grid");
>       /**
>        * This is the entry point method.
>        */
>       public void onModuleLoad() {
>             RootPanel.get().add(addNewSwf);
>             RootPanel.get().add(removeSwf);
>             RootPanel.get().add(setCheckBox);
>             RootPanel.get().add(sliderLabel);
>             RootPanel.get().add(createDataGrid);
>             // adds new swfWidget to rootPanel
>             addNewSwf.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>                   public void onClick(Widget arg0) {
>                         // set bridge name for FABridge
>                       if (swfWidget==null) {
>                           swfWidget = new
> SWFABridgeWidget("app.swf",400,400,"example");
>                         // add initialization listener
> swfWidget.addInitializationListener(FABridgeDemo.this);
>                       }
>                         // add swfWidget to RootPanel
>                         RootPanel.get().add(swfWidget);
>                         //show swf movie
>                         swfWidget.show();
>                   }
>             });
>             removeSwf.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>             public void onClick(Widget arg0) {
>               RootPanel.get().remove(swfWidget);
>             }
>         });
>             // changes checkbox status in swfWidget
>             setCheckBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>                   public void onClick(Widget arg0) {
>                         // get check box
>                         BridgeObject check =
> swfWidget.root().getObject("check");
>                         // get check box status
>                         Boolean status = new
> Boolean(check.getProperty("selected").getContent().toString());
>                         // change check box status
>                         check.setProperty("selected",
> !status.booleanValue());
>                   }
>             });
>             // creates new DataGrid in swfWidget
>             createDataGrid.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
>                   public void onClick(Widget arg0) {
>                         BridgeObject flexApp = swfWidget.root();
>                         // create new data grid
>                         BridgeObject grid =
> swfWidget.create("mx.controls.DataGrid");
>                         grid.addRef();
>                         // create first column
>                         BridgeObject col1 =
> swfWidget.create("mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn");
>                         col1.addRef();
>                         col1.setProperty("dataField", "apples");
>                         // create second column
>                         BridgeObject col2 =
> swfWidget.create("mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn");
>                         col2.addRef();
>                         col2.setProperty("dataField", "oranges");
>                         // add columns to data grid
>                         JavaScriptObject jsArray = JSNIUtils
>                                     .convertArray(new JavaScriptObject[]
> {
>                                                 col1.getJSContent(),
> col2.getJSContent() });
>                         grid.setProperty("columns", jsArray);
>                         grid.setProperty("width", 300);
>                         // create first row
>                         BridgeParameterObject row1 = new
> BridgeParameterObject();
>                         row1.addProperty("apples", 12);
>                         row1.addProperty("oranges", 32);
>                         // create second row
>                         BridgeParameterObject row2 = new
> BridgeParameterObject();
>                         row2.addProperty("apples", 15);
>                         row2.addProperty("oranges", 24);
>                         // set dataProvider
>                         grid.setProperty("dataProvider", JSNIUtils
>                                     .convertArray(new JavaScriptObject[]
> {
>                                                 row1.getObject(),
> row2.getObject() }));
>                         // add grid to panel
>                         BridgeParameter params = new BridgeParameter();
>                         params.addParameter(grid.getJSContent());
> flexApp.getObject("panel").invokeMethod("addChild",params.getParameter()
> );
>                   }
>             });
>       }
>       /**
>        * Gets called after the swf has been initalized.
>        */
>       public void onInitialization() {
>             // get width of the swf
>             Object width =
> swfWidget.root().getProperty("width").getContent();
>             Integer test = new Integer(width.toString());
>             Window.alert("Swf Initialized. Width: " + test);
>             // add click listener to flex button
> swfWidget.root().getObject("button").addEventListener("click",
>                         new ISWFListener() {
>                               public void onSWFEvent(JavaScriptObject
> event) {
>                                     Window.alert("Hello, GWT! Love,
> Actionscript...");
>                               }
>                         });
>             // add change listener to flex slider
> swfWidget.root().getObject("slider").addEventListener("change",
>                         new ISWFListener() {
>                               public void onSWFEvent(JavaScriptObject
> event) {
>                                     // wrap event object into bridge
> object
>                                     BridgeObject e = new
> BridgeObject(event);
>                                     // get slider value from event
> object
> sliderLabel.setText(e.getProperty("value").getContent().toString());
>                               }
>                         });
>       }
> }
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