below is the code where i execute the rpc request. i create getdata()
and getdata1() to get execute different query. i am using two Async
object to make call. i am  not sure is it correct as i got error when
i use one. any help/advice is welcome and appreciated. :D

private void getData() {

  AsyncCallback<Object> callback = new AsyncCallback<Object>() {
   // fail
   public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
    RootPanel.get().add(new HTML(ex.toString()));
   // success
   public void onSuccess(Object result) {
    // Cast the result into the object that was sent
    // This casts the random object into DataContainer
    // Since the object is an array we use []
    DataContainer[] displayData = (DataContainer[]) result;

 private void getData1() {
           final int value1 = value;

          AsyncCallback<Object> callback1 = new AsyncCallback<Object>(){
           // fail

           public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
            RootPanel.get().add(new HTML(ex.toString()));

           // success
           public void onSuccess(Object result) {
            // Cast the result into the object that was sent
            // This casts the random object into DataContainer
            // Since the object is an array we use []
            displayData1 = (DataContainer[]) result;


          // remote procedure call to the server to get the data


On Feb 6, 11:46 am, mon3y <> wrote:
> Hi
> A code snippet would be nice, so we can see where you're going wrong.
> Also put a Window.alert(""), in your onFailure and onSuccess of your
> second call to see what you get.
> If it comes into the onFailure of your second call, there must be
> something wrong with the way you're calling the server side or your
> interfaces.
> If it comes in on your onSuccess, it must be a logic error, or
> something else pertaining to your client side code.
> If you make the first call successful and you call the second one the
> same way(logically) then there should be no issues.
> :)
> On Feb 6, 12:39 pm, ytbryan <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > i know gwt don support synchronous call and i read it somwhere that
> > there is actually don need to make rpc call synchronous.
> > but i created an application with buttons like " save data"  and "
> > display result "that will communicate to server by fetching data or
> > saving data.
> > when the application starts, it will automatically display the first
> > result with its first rpc call. but when i click the display second
> > result's button....... it doesn't work anymore. any subsequent rpc
> > call after the first one don't work.
> > what is wrong here? and what am i missing? can someone advice me? the
> > usual rpc example online only show how to make one rpc call. is there
> > a way to make multiple calls that do different task? thank you for
> > your time in viewing this post.
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