Hey i just saw this before your message.
But even with that, it stills not working.
I still get this message 404<p>RequestURI=/com.tergwt.Main//

And i changed my formAction to form.setAction("/FileServlet"); instead
of form.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/FileServlet");
So now, no more idea on my side ...


On 7 fév, 01:50, Shawn Brown <big.coffee.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well you have to specify a valid url.
> You are configuring /fileServlet to go to your servlet and then asking
> requesting a url of /FileServlet.
> Aren't you?  I am not sure but think capitalization is significant.
> Best,
> Shawn
> On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Jonathan <jonathan.delf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Wow, i'm almost happy !
> > I finally managed to get rid of the HTTP ERROR 503.
> > I misplaced the bin files (.classes), they need to be under yourapp/
> > web-inf/classes/...
> > So i took the time to copy libs here too (in lib folder).
> > OK this done, i don't success to upload my file.
> > I browse it correctly, but when i click submit i get : <h2>HTTP ERROR:
> > 404</h2><pre>NOT_FOUND</pre>
> > <p>RequestURI=/com.tergwt.Main//FileServlet</p><p><i><small><a
> > href="http://jetty.mortbay.org/";>Powered by Jetty://</a></small></i></p><br>
> > as a response of the server.
> > My web.xml updated :
> > <servlet>
> >                <servlet-name>fileServlet</servlet-name>
> >                <servlet-class>com.tergwt.server.FileServlet</servlet-class>
> >        </servlet>
> >        <servlet-mapping>
> >                <servlet-name>fileServlet</servlet-name>
> >                <url-pattern>/fileServlet</url-pattern>
> >        </servlet-mapping>
> > My entrypoint if needed:
> > onModuleLoad() {
> >  final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
> >      form.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/FileServlet");
> > ...
> > }
> > If someone could tell me what's wrong, it could be nice :)
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Regards.
> > On 6 fév, 21:05, Jonathan <jonathan.delf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi to all,
> >> I'm under linux and I follow this 
> >> tutorialhttp://jeff.ourexchange.net/2008/03/01/deploying-gwt-applications-wit....
> >> I have a simple gwt application that browses for a file and upload it
> >> using a servlet (class FileServlet extends HttpServlet).
> >> In hosted mode (with tomcat) with the hosted browser of gwt, all works
> >> as expected, my servlet runs fine.
> >> I try to deploy application to a Jetty embedded server and i get a
> >> HTTP ERROR: 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE if i enable my servlet in web.xml
> >> (under WEB-INF). Also when i run the Jetty server (in console), i get
> >> two exceptions like  "Failed startup of context
> >> org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.webappcont...@1b9ce4b{/com.tergwt.Main,file:/
> >> home/jon/GWTDeploy/webapps/com.tergwt.Main/}"
> >> java.lang.NullPointerException
> >> I don't see the form of the upload.
> >> If i disable the servlet declaration in the xml file, the server runs
> >> without exceptions but it doesnt upload and i get "<h2>HTTP ERROR:
> >> 404</h2><pre>NOT_FOUND</pre><p>RequestURI=/com.tergwt.Main//
> >> FileServlet</p>" if i try...
> >> So i guess it has something to do with the web.xml file.
> >> Unfortunately, i don't success with it.
> >> Here is the content of my web.xml file without the web-app marks.
> >>        <servlet>
> >>                 <servlet-name>fileServlet</servlet-name>
> >>                 
> >> <servlet-class>com.tergwt.server.FileServlet</servlet-class>
> >>         </servlet>
> >>         <servlet-mapping>
> >>                 <servlet-name>fileServlet</servlet-name>
> >>                 <url-pattern>/files/*</url-pattern>
> >>         </servlet-mapping>
> >> I don't know what else i can do to fix this problem as i'm not an
> >> expert with these things.
> >> My main.java contains the upload form and it uses the FileServlet to
> >> make the doPost().
> >> Here is the full tree of my webapp deployed folder with the embed
> >> Jetty server :http://filebin.ca/cjgvj/tree.txt.
> >> Thanks in advance.
> >> Best regards.
> >> Jonathan
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