Hi all! ,

The Widget.wrap()  API is very usefull to build widgets(fragments)  from
html templates retrieved from server or bound with the java widget class at
the compilation time (generators).
By this way,  the design (HTML+CSS) is entirely delagated to Web
Developpers, Java Gwt Developpers have to manage only with GWT Widget which
are in fact only controllers:

Each controler pick up some html element by id left in its corresponding
template and "build" gwt widget (TextBox,Label etc...) with the wrap API  to
manage the (dynamic) behavior.
No css gwt api is used, no Panel for composition is used.

Everything works fine while the  widget fragment is attached to the DOM
(RootPanel) but there is a trouble :
  If the widget fragment is detached its components (i e widgets created
with the wrap api)  are not garbaged because they don't have any parent.
  So there is a memory leak. The wrap method doesn't alow to link the life
cycle of the component to its logical parent i e the widget parent. Here is
the code of the wrap method :

public static Label wrap(Element element) {
    // Assert that the element is attached.
    assert Document.get().getBody().isOrHasChild(element);

    Label label = new Label(element);

    // Mark it attached and remember it for cleanup.

    return label;

By the call of "RootPanel.detachOnWindowClose(label);" the widget is gabaged
only when the main window is closed. It is  not very clean if the fragment
is garbaged. We reported this touble
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=3113     in the
bug tracker few months ago but it still in the same state .

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