
I've finally figured it out.
In order to link the form with the servlet, you have to map the
servlet in web.xml. It is similar to writnig the struts-config.xml

After putting the servlet info there, you just need to pass the
servlet url in the form action, and on submit you will end up with the
execution of the servlet.

On Feb 10, 6:20 pm, ender <alin.p.voi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hy guys,
> I find myself in a middle of a problem, because I don't know how can I
> upload a file using the GWT.
> I will give you an example of what I am doing. Please help me figure
> this out....
> //... code
> FileUpload fileUpload = new FileUpload();
> fileUpload.setName("file");
> fileUpload.setTitle("File");
> fileUpload.setVisible(true);
> fileUpload.setSize("330" , "auto");
> //this is added in the FormPanel later
> formPanel = new FormPanel();   // the formPanel contains an UploadFile
> which
> formPanel.setEncoding("multipart/form-data");
> formPanel.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST);
> downloadButton.addListener(Events.Select, new Listener() {
>                         public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
>                                 submitForm();
>                                 //validForSubmit = true;
>                         }
>                 });
> private void submitForm() {
>         ImpexDefinitionMgrAsync impMgr =  ImpexDefinitionMgrAsync)
> SafirWebUI.getServiceForEntity(ImpexDefinition.class.getName());
>        impMgr.importFile(fileUpload.getFilename(),
> this.parentGridPanel.getClassName(), new MaskAsyncCallback() {
>             @Override
>                         public void onSuccessInternal(Object result) {
>                                 //Long id = ((ImpexDefinition) 
> result).getId();
>                                 //importDetailId.setValue(id != null ? 
> id.toString() : null );
>                                 formPanel.setAction(ServiceLocator.server_URL 
> + "reports/upload");
>                                 formPanel.submit();
>                         }
>         });
>         }
> //.... end of code
> This way I can only transfer to the server side the file path but this
> is wrong because the only place where it shall work is on the
> localhost, otherwise on another server, it will crash, because the
> file will not be found. I thought either I read the file and send its
> content, or I send the whole file (and this is the best approach but I
> don't know how to do it, since GWT doesn't know java.io).
> Hope you will have an idea...
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