
After the first release of GDE (GWT Development Environment based on
Eclipse) at the beginning of this month, I received several feedbacks
from the people here. Thanks for your interest and help. This really
inspired me and GDE move forward.

This is an update on what I have done on the GDE so far:

1. GWT 1.6.0M1 support
GWT 1.6.0 M1 released soon after my first version released, and the
new build of GDE currently can work within this version, new features
supported include:
  * Using Jetty as the web server, which starts much faster than the
previous embedded TomCat
  * Using the new project structure shipped with 1.6.0
  * New Host Browser Shell

2. GWT Product Build
Now, the product can be build by right click the production and select
the Build command. The output can be directly deployed in the web

Actually, I'm facing problem to implement a headless build atm.
Thinking to provide a ant task, which is similar with PDE headless
build does, anybody can give some guide on this?

If you have interesting to play with this tool, please find the link:
for a simple guide.

The next step:
1. Building using ant: priority is high
2. Freeze the core API of core GWT plug-in
  - First of first: GWT port of OSGi implementation, registry,
extension and extension points etc.

Please feel free to let me know if you are facing any issues to try
the latest build. I'm more than happy to answer any questions about

Comments, suggestions are most welcome.


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