I'm attempting to use the ScrollTable from the incubator package and
I'm having problems.  I copied the code from
and I fixed an issue that must be from an old version, so I changed
FlexCellFormatter  to FixedWidthFlexCellFormatter.  Added <inherits
name='com.google.gwt.gen2.Gen2' /> in the xml file.  It all compiles.
But I get a:
[ERROR] Unable to load module entry point class
com.mycompany.client.ScrollTest (see associated exception for details)
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Row index: 0, Row size: 0

The error is on the line:
dataTable.setHTML(i, 0, LAST_NAMES[Random.nextInt

So basically it's trying start setting the cell data and it's saying
that there are no rows.
Now, according to the ScrollTable constructor:
ScrollTable(FixedWidthGrid dataTable, FixedWidthFlexTable
from the docs http://collectionofdemos.appspot.com/javadoc/index.html
The dataTable is a FixedWidthGrid which is basically a Grid.  And I
know Grids need to be sized at the start, but there doesn't seem to be
a place to size it.

Anyone have a clue how to get this widget working?
All I'm really looking for is a replacement for the FlexTable that
allows resizable columns and the demo for this looks like what I
need.  I already tried both ext libs, smartgwt and another component
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