I was going to post this as a bug, but thought I'd poll the
discussion group first. I wasn't sure if this was a TabPanel or a
DisclosurePanel bug, or if I'm just doing something wrong.

   The problem is, if I put a DisclosurePanel inside a TabPanel, it
does not resize correctly when a width is set. Example code:

  public void onModuleLoad() {
          TabPanel tp = new TabPanel();
          DisclosurePanel dp = new DisclosurePanel("Test Disclosure Panel");
          dp.add(new Label("This is some test text"));

          tp.add(dp, "Disclosure Panel Tab");


   Note that the first time you expand the disclosure panel, the test
text appears below the visible area. If you click the disclosure panel
two more times, it resizes correctly. Note that it is not always able
to recover; in a larger application it can get so out-of-whack that
the disclosure panel is never even visible again.

   If I take out the width, it works, but it's "ugly". Am I missing a
best practice here, or should I just not be using DisclosurePanel?


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