In your specific case it sounds like you want to make certain items on  
your pages dynamic.

That can be doe with GWT using either a singe or multiple entry points.

You would still use one main module that is a monolithic compilation  
of all of your dynamic parts. Include the <script> tag for that module  
in all of your pages and away you go.

The idea is to first identify each item you would like to make  
dynamic. A particular input element that suggests the contents  
(suggest box) for instance. give that element on the page a specific  
ID, and build a GWT module to implement the functionality. do the same  
for all of the elements you might use throughout your site.

your entry points should attempt to find the id of component it is  
going to populate, and if it isn't found on the page, just exit  
immediately (remember you'll have a monolithic library that has all of  
your different widgets (components) in it, so some pages may not use  
all of the widgets in your module.)

The reason for doing it this way is to allow the most efficient code  
sharing. one monolithic module will be considerably smaller than  
individual modules for each component. The other benefit is that if  
your server is properly configured to set the cache-control headers  
for the files then the javascript payload and image  
bundles will be loaded exactly ONCE for your entire site over the life  
of a particular version of your application. It is a very efficient  
way to make dynamic components that are used throughout a multi page  
web site.


On Mar 3, 2009, at 6:24 PM, seawave wrote:

> My project has completed a few days ago,but I don't satisfied about
> the web pages.So I want to use gwt to let the pages more beautiful.But
> I find I just can use in one page,GWT just have one Entry-point.I hava
> a lot of pages,I want to let every page have one Entry-point,what
> should I do?
> 我最近做的一个项目已经基本完工了,我对我的页面展示效果不太满意,所以我 
> 决定采用gwt来改善我的页面外观,但是我发现Main.gwt.xml文件
> 只能对应一个Entry-point,这意味着我只能用一个页面,我这里有好多个页面, 
> 每个页面的内容是不同的,我想问下,这是不是需要多个处理类的多
> 个onModuel()方法呢?
> >

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