After weekend I tried again and it worked very well... I don't know the
reason for the not working code last week, but here is my code, that worked
very well:

public void onMouseMove(Widget sender, int x, int y) {
  super.onMouseMove(sender, x, y);
  if (this.getPopupLeft() + this.getOffsetWidth() > Window.getClientWidth())
    this.setPopupPosition(Window.getClientWidth() - this.getOffsetWidth(),
  if (this.getPopupTop() + this.getOffsetHeight() >
Window.getClientHeight()) {
    this.setPopupPosition(this.getPopupLeft(), Window.getClientHeight() -

The dialog window does not move out of the visible window area!
Thank you very much Sumit! The idea of overriding the onMouse- Events is THE


2009/3/5 Sumit Chandel <>

> Hi Danny,
> That shouldn't be the case. Which browser were you testing on when this
> occurred?
> I ran the code snippet below and tested it out in hosted IE6, web mode
> IE6/7/8, FF3 and Chrome, and in all cases the onMouseUp() method was called
> and the dialog box was repositioned. Give it a try and let me know how it
> looks for you.
> public void onModuleLoad() {
>   final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox() {
>     public void onMouseUp(Widget sender, int x, int y) {
>       this.setPopupPosition(0, 0);
>       super.onMouseUp(sender, x, y);
>     }
>   };
>   dialogBox.setHTML("<b>Bonjour la police!</b>");
>   RootPanel.get().add(dialogBox);
> }
> Hope that helps,
> -Sumit Chandel
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Danny Schimke 
> <>wrote:
>> It does not work. The onMouseUp is never called...
>> 2009/2/27 Sumit Chandel <>
>> Hi Danny,
>>> Here's one possible solution - you could override the
>>> DialogBox.onMouseUp() method to re-position the dialog box depending on
>>> where it was when the user lets go of it.
>>>  For example:
>>> final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox() {
>>>   public void onMouseUp(Widget sender, int x, int y) {
>>>     if(exceedsBounds(x,y) {
>>>       this.setPopupPosition(xpos, ypos);  //recenter to boundary edge or
>>> center page
>>>     }
>>>     super.onMouseUp(sender, x, y);
>>>   }
>>> };
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> -Sumit Chandel
>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Danny Schimke <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> No idea?
>>>> 2009/1/28 Danny Schimke <>
>>>>  Hello!
>>>>> Is it possible to restrain the DialogBox to move out on right and
>>>>> bottom side of the browsers windows? When I move the box over it's header 
>>>>> it
>>>>> should stay completely in the visible browser window area, because I
>>>>> disabled the scroll bars and the user should not be able to move the
>>>>> DialogBox in a not viewed area.
>>>>> And second: in IE6 the DialogBox is only dragable by the text in it's
>>>>> header. Is there a clean way to allow IE6 users to drag&drop the box like 
>>>>> in
>>>>> FF or IE7 over the complete header?
>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>>  - Danny
> >

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